Yes, Tyler is all done with school for the year. He had a great kindergarten and is looking forward to being a 1st grader now. Miss Carter is an amazing teacher and we were so lucky for Tyler to have her this year. The charter school Tyler goes to is amazing, we are so happy that Jaylen gets to go there in the fall as well.
Sorry the video is far away I used my regular camera. Tyler is the one with the blue and white sweater vest on. It is hard to understand the words to the song but it was so cute. It talks about them making it to first grade, how they can now write their names and tie their shoes.

We are so proud of Tyler and all of his acomplishments this year. Tyler recieved the Principals Award which is only awarded to one boy and one girl! He also recieved an award for academic excellence. Great job Tyler!
Jaylen wanted me to take her picture because I was taking Tylers-what can I say she is a supermodel already!