Saturday, November 29, 2008
This years first snow!
Well it finally happened last night. It snowed! Trevor couldn't wait to go out in it and see what it was all about. He realized quickly not to touch it without gloves and he had a great time until Tyler did what big brothers do best, threw a snowball in his face. My favorite part was watching him try to walk with boots on! He is so cute!!
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:08 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dinner Table Disussions
Before we went Trick or Treating. Tyler was teaching his little brother a few things.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:35 AM 3 comments
Trick or Treat!
Well we had a great Halloween and tons of fun trick or treating this year. The weather was aw some! It was 75 degrees and the perfect evening for trick or treating.
Tyler wanted to run from house to house because he was so excited! He said "May the force be with you." to everyone. It was adorable.
Jaylen, loves, loves, loves dinosaurs and so when we found the dinosaur costume she was thrilled. Her favorite dinosaur is Appotosaurus. She wanted to make sure she got as much candy as Tyler this year.
Trevor learned how to say "trick or treat." Trevor was so much fun. At first he was a little worried to go to the door, but when he saw that candy was involved everything changed. We have had to hide the candy this morning, (we put a towel over it) because, if he sees it, he can think of nothing else and continues to eat piece after piece.

Last Saturday, we had a lot of fun dressing up for the church Halloween party. Darth Vader (Kelsey) was the one handing out candy at first, but too many little kids were scared, so I had to take over.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:06 AM 5 comments