Well, it has been one week since our water leak, and we are not much closer to getting things back to normal. The water restoration team is still not finished with drying everything out and spent the better part of yesterday cutting out the ceiling and wall in the kitchen. I have to say of all of the places to have construction, the kitchen has to be one of the worst. Our table has been moved into the family room, as well as the china cabinet, and toy box. They are still not sure if they will have to tear our the drywall above the washer and dryer area, but will no for sure on Monday. Our insurance adjuster has been M.I.A. at this point. Even though, I know that he is waiting for the restoration crew to leave, we have yet to call and find him in the office rather than out. I have been pretty patient for the past week, but I have to admit, it is running out fast. We are waiting.... and waiting... to find out what amount the insurance company will give us, until then we will be yelling over the loud fans and trying not to lose it.