Monday, August 9, 2010

It's not summer break unless....

School is starting later this week, and after all that has happened over the summer, I realized that we haven't done a whole lot. I asked the kids what they needed to do before school starts to finish out the summer. They said, "we haven't gone to a baseball game!" and "we need to go camping." So me being the mom I am decided to try and squeeze it all in this past week. On Wednesday we went to the Rockies vs Giants baseball game. I think they like the cotton candy and hot dogs more than actually watching baseball, but we had fun.

Then on Thursday we went up to Golden Gate Canyon State Park for a quick overnight camping trip. We got there around 5:30 and barely got the tent up before it started to rain. We finished our dinner in the car and started to read the first Harry Potter book (they are totally hooked). After a lot of effort, we managed to build a fire with wet wood just big enough to roast our marshmallows for s'mores. It was really beautiful up there, but we froze!!! The kids loved it. Trevor was squealing and laughing about everything, and a few times our campground neighbors yelled at us to be quiet. And everyone who knows Tyler knows that he doesn't know how to be quiet. So we have one last thing to do before finishing out our summer break before school starts on Thursday and that is to go the "The bucket pool."

So to sum it all up it is not summer break unless you... have a BBQ... take swim lessons...go swimming... sleep summer movies for 50 cents...go to a baseball game...go Popsicles-lots of a good book...wear your swimsuit around the house (if you are a kid and have no inhibitions)... eat lots of watermelon... and stay up too late!-I almost forgot, homemade ice cream!

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smasek said...

LOVE IT! Looks like you guys had a great time! Wish I could have played with you. Enjoy the rest of your week. Love you!!! s

Kemari said...

so cute! and fun! i wish we came to Colo this summer!