Posted by Gedge Mamma at 8:04 AM 2 comments
OH, my Jaylen, this is so cute.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 11:47 AM 5 comments
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 11:42 AM 1 comments
Thank you everyone for helping me decide on my photo! #4 was the winner. I got a new camera, and the kids have holiday conerts this week so I will be posting soon!
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 2:24 PM 2 comments
Well it finally happened last night. It snowed! Trevor couldn't wait to go out in it and see what it was all about. He realized quickly not to touch it without gloves and he had a great time until Tyler did what big brothers do best, threw a snowball in his face. My favorite part was watching him try to walk with boots on! He is so cute!!
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:08 AM 2 comments
Before we went Trick or Treating. Tyler was teaching his little brother a few things.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:35 AM 3 comments
Well we had a great Halloween and tons of fun trick or treating this year. The weather was aw some! It was 75 degrees and the perfect evening for trick or treating.
Tyler wanted to run from house to house because he was so excited! He said "May the force be with you." to everyone. It was adorable.
Jaylen, loves, loves, loves dinosaurs and so when we found the dinosaur costume she was thrilled. Her favorite dinosaur is Appotosaurus. She wanted to make sure she got as much candy as Tyler this year.
Trevor learned how to say "trick or treat." Trevor was so much fun. At first he was a little worried to go to the door, but when he saw that candy was involved everything changed. We have had to hide the candy this morning, (we put a towel over it) because, if he sees it, he can think of nothing else and continues to eat piece after piece.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:06 AM 5 comments
I cleaned the pillow covers to my couch this week and while I was busy, so were Jaylen and Trevor playing in all of the stuffing. Pretty much my entire living room ended up as one huge fluff ball. It made for some really happy kids...great pictures...and one gigantic mess!
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 7:53 PM 7 comments
Tyler's class was in charge of a morning assembly at school. They sang a song about responsibility. Parents show responsibility by caring for their children. Children show responsibility by listening to their parents. The song is "Over in the Meadow" by Olive Wadsworth. It's kind of hard to understand the words so here they are: Over in the meadow, in the sand, in the sun lived an old mother toad and her little toadie one. Wink said the mother; I wink said the one; so she winked and she blinked in the sand and in the sun. Over in the meadow, where the stream runs blue, lived and old mother fish and her little fishes two. Swim said the mother; we swim said the two so they swam and they leaped where the stream runs blue. Over in the meadow in a hole in a tree lived an old mother bluebird and her little birdies three. Sing said the mother; we sing said the three; so they sang and were glad in the hole in the tree. Over in the meadow in the reeds on the shore, lived a mother muskreat and her little ratties four. Dive said the mother; we dive said the four; so they dived and they burrowed in the reeds by the shore. Tyler got to hold up one of the two fish, and so he had a really special part. Sorry it is so far away and you can't see. I need to upgrade my camera.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Friday night we found a little frog in the back yard. The kids had a lot of fun discovering this unique creature. Trevor, I think was interested but a little unsure about this strange hoppy thing. Most of the drama occurred after the "filming" when Brody our little dog got out and tried to catch it. Jaylen screamed and cried thinking that her little froggy friend went to heaven, but as it turns out we were able to save it after all, and all is well.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:40 AM 8 comments
How can it be that my little 1st born son is now a big 7 year old? I remember well the days leading up to Tylers birth, and how excited I was to have a baby. We had a rocky delivery, and some rocky times since but through it all, the love I have for my Tyler has brought me so much happiness and joy. Tyler warmed my heart when at less than 1 day old he cried...I slowly got up to get him from his cubbie... and a second after I held him in my arms he stopped crying and snuggled up to me as he fell back to sleep. I had an amazing and overwhelming feeling...motherhood. I knew I would never be the same again.
This year Tyler is obsessed with Star Wars. He has a playstation 2 Lego Star Wars game and he plays it as much as possible. He seriously breaths... eats...and sleeps (yes we hear him talking in his sleep about it) STAR WARS!!!
Tyler is doing great in 1st grade, and is reading everyday.
Tyler loved the power of special priveledges, on his big day. He reminded me more than once that because it was his birthday he didn't have to clean, he got to say all of the prayers, he got to play whatever he wanted!! and he even refused to get dressed and wore his PJ's almost all day!
We had a family BBQ for his birthday and he chose a white cake with white frosting. I was ready for the big song and realized I lost the candles. I couldn't find them anywhere. I called everyone I knew in the neighborhood and ended up using grilling matches for the candles. I love you Tyler, more than I can even say.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 3:47 PM 3 comments
Well, I blinked back the tears and swallowed the lump in my throat as I took Tyler and Jaylen to school this morning. It is Jaylens first day of school and the first day of the rest of her life. Both the kids were really excited to go( I'm sure that will change in a couple of years)So I went in to the school to take them to their class rooms. Tyler wasn't sure he remembered what room number, and Jaylen, well its her first day of kindergarten. Jaylen walked straight up to her teacher and said "sorry I'm late." We actually weren't late for once.
We started a new back-to-school tradition with a homemade cinnamon roll breakfast. Tyler and Jaylen have been really excited about that. And I got their new clothes ironed and ready. I put some gel in Tylers hair and he looked in the mirror and said "what a disaster!" I laughed. I thought he was looking quite handsome.
My little babies are growing up and its going too fast. I wish I could push pause sometimes or at least slow motion, and enjoy life a little more. I will miss Jaylen, but I know that she will do great and is more than ready to learn and explore, and create. I know her effect on others will be as wonderful as it is on me.
Trevor walked around and hung out with me all morning. He keeps saying "Mom mee" and I did feel a little better, and then I thought four years from now I'll really be bawling my eyes out.
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 1:46 PM 4 comments
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 7:44 AM 2 comments
Posted by Gedge Mamma at 1:26 PM 2 comments